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Stories are Sources of Empowerment

Author: Tony Korosak
I want to introduce myself. My name is Tony Korosak and I want to share my story of empowerment.
Last year I had my left foot amputated. My story began ten months ago when I was treated for a swollen foot. Little did I know how my life would change. As my foot continued to swell, I went to the Emergency Department at Joseph Brant Hospital in Burlington, Ont., where a surgeon gave my wife and I life-altering news with an urgent timeline.

The surgeon diagnosed me with gangrene saying that the only way to save my life was an emergency amputation… or I would die. While trying to process this shocking news in that moment, I was given five minutes to make the decision whether to go forward with the amputation.

My wife Lisa was scared. In those passing minutes I could have let every single emotion that passed through my mind take control of the situation and lead me down a path of negativity and anger around why this was happening to me. Instead, I chose to move forward with optimism and be thankful for the team that was able to save my life.

After three life-saving operations, and a lot of antibiotics to ensure that the gangrene would not spread, six weeks of rehabilitation followed. I am grateful to say I am alive.

I had an amazing team of doctors and a wonderful support system with my wife and children. I could never have imagined this ever happening to me. But the support that I have received has opened my mind to the fact that losing my leg was not the end of my life. It was a new beginning, a new chapter.

This story is not about me losing a leg. It's about finding a new purpose. I have begun sharing my story, advocating for amputees, and talking to those who are going through something similar.

I am really looking forward to continue my love of golf with my new prosthetic leg. Learning how to live as an amputee has given me the determination to show that I am much more than what you see.

One thing that I have come to realize during this whole process is that sharing my story and talking with others has been an amazing outlet and a source of empowerment.

I have had many people communicate their appreciation for my positive attitude and sharing my story. I would love to continue to advocate for those going through a similar circumstance. If there is ever an opportunity to share my story in thrive, I would welcome that.

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