Defying Age by Maintaining Strength and Mobility
Author: Megan Williamson, BA, CPT

Society has taught us to believe that as we age, we will get stiff and achy joints and less mobility. We’ll gain weight. And physical activity will bring fatigue and pain. Not necessarily.
How many times have you heard (or maybe even said yourself), “Oh, I’m old and that’s why I can’t do this or keep up with that”? I’m here to tell you that this just doesn’t need to be the case for you. Many people who are in the autumn season of life are regaining strength, maintaining mobility, decreasing aches and pains and even gaining lean muscle mass. I see it every day with my clients who are older adults.
Now, I’m not saying that your body is going to respond the same way in your 70s and 80s as it did in your 20s and 30s. But there needs to be a shift in our priorities in the later years of our life to maintain our independence and functionality, and for improvements to our overall health.
Now, I’m not saying that your body is going to respond the same way in your 70s and 80s as it did in your 20s and 30s. But there needs to be a shift in our priorities in the later years of our life to maintain our independence and functionality, and for improvements to our overall health.
Here are some practical strategies for maintaining strength, mobility and overall well-being well into your later years.