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Back to Work: How and When after Amputation

Author: Rouzalin Hakim
Leg amputee Rouzalin Hakim sitting on piano bench
Starting a new job is a daunting, yet exciting experience. It's filled with unfamiliarity both in terms of who you meet and your day-to-day routine.
That feeling of uncertainty is amplified even more when you're starting a new job (or returning to your previous workplace) as a new amputee.

You're met with questions about your own skillset and strengths that you might internalize - will I still be able to work the way I did before? Is 9-5 going to be too tiring to maintain? Am I going to be on my feet or working with my hands all day? How will I handle stressful work situations?

These are just some of the many questions you'll come across and the challenges you'll face, but it's important to focus on what you value most at a workplace and ensure that your workplace values you and everything you bring to the table - because it's undoubtedly a lot.

"I struggled to get this article started because I’m still undecided about the subject itself… returning to work. My personal pros and cons list is split right down the centre about my decision to go back."

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