Is Online Fitness for You?
Author: Megan Williamson, BA, CPT

COVID-19 changed many things about our lives, and fitness is one of them. With facilities closed, gym-goers had to find other options to stay fit.
One of those options was online fitness. And it still is. As I am sure you are aware, there are many ways that we can look to on the internet to get or stay fit.
The most common way is watching videos or routines from fitness trainers that you can follow from home. Another way is live streaming services, like Facebook LIVE, where you can tune into video classes.
In terms of personal fitness coaching, many coaches like myself have continued to use platforms like Zoom or Microsoft Teams to offer classes with an invite and a meeting code. There are apps and subscription-based fitness options for access to content and sometimes even a coach; much like my Ocean Insider Club.
I had to pivot the majority of my in-person clientele to online platforms during the pandemic and when my Vancouver fitness studio reopened, most of my clients chose to stay online instead.
The most common way is watching videos or routines from fitness trainers that you can follow from home. Another way is live streaming services, like Facebook LIVE, where you can tune into video classes.
In terms of personal fitness coaching, many coaches like myself have continued to use platforms like Zoom or Microsoft Teams to offer classes with an invite and a meeting code. There are apps and subscription-based fitness options for access to content and sometimes even a coach; much like my Ocean Insider Club.
I had to pivot the majority of my in-person clientele to online platforms during the pandemic and when my Vancouver fitness studio reopened, most of my clients chose to stay online instead.
Why did they choose to stay online? Well, there are a number of objective benefits of online training…
Affordability: Not only does it save you time, but money too with no gym membership. And choosing something like a subscription-based training model, typically the monthly fees are much cheaper than in-person training.
Accessible Anywhere: Out of town but still want to log into your online training program? You can still train with phone or computer access. If you have internet, you have access to your workouts from anywhere at any time.
Convenient and Flexible: Convenience is tied to accessibility as mentioned above. But convenience can also be tied to flexibility in the sense that you can easily plan your sessions or workout time around other commitments. Many of our clients who typically take public or accessible transit are not inconvenienced by travel time and restraints by working out from home.
Wanting to better understand this shift, I asked my clients why they were choosing to stay online, even though they originally started with in-person fitness coaching. Here’s what most said:
“I’m working out more than I was before.”
“I am getting more support from my family.”
“I feel more motivated with all of the variety.”
“I feel stronger.”
One client who responded with “more support from her family” explained that her kids were now making a “workout date” with her every Friday afternoon. Participating together as a team, it helped keep her on track with that extra support.
Another client shared that she felt more motivated with more variety. Online, she began partaking in a variety of fitness options that she normally would not be able to. She was streaming LIVE adaptive workouts on Thursdays, attending online yoga on Mondays and Fridays, and was also a member of our Insider on Ocean Insider Club.
Now, I’m not saying that online fitness is better for everyone. There are some people who don’t benefit from online fitness or online fitness coaching only.
However, the benefits for many are motivating and it does seem to be a better option for a lot of our clients in reaching their personal goals. And so, why would I not support that if it brings them success and a healthier lifestyle?
If you think you might benefit from online fitness training, I encourage you to explore what is out there for you. You never know, you might surprise yourself with a new fun and convenient, and affordable, exercise routine!
Accessible Anywhere: Out of town but still want to log into your online training program? You can still train with phone or computer access. If you have internet, you have access to your workouts from anywhere at any time.
Convenient and Flexible: Convenience is tied to accessibility as mentioned above. But convenience can also be tied to flexibility in the sense that you can easily plan your sessions or workout time around other commitments. Many of our clients who typically take public or accessible transit are not inconvenienced by travel time and restraints by working out from home.
Wanting to better understand this shift, I asked my clients why they were choosing to stay online, even though they originally started with in-person fitness coaching. Here’s what most said:
“I’m working out more than I was before.”
“I am getting more support from my family.”
“I feel more motivated with all of the variety.”
“I feel stronger.”
One client who responded with “more support from her family” explained that her kids were now making a “workout date” with her every Friday afternoon. Participating together as a team, it helped keep her on track with that extra support.
Another client shared that she felt more motivated with more variety. Online, she began partaking in a variety of fitness options that she normally would not be able to. She was streaming LIVE adaptive workouts on Thursdays, attending online yoga on Mondays and Fridays, and was also a member of our Insider on Ocean Insider Club.
Now, I’m not saying that online fitness is better for everyone. There are some people who don’t benefit from online fitness or online fitness coaching only.
However, the benefits for many are motivating and it does seem to be a better option for a lot of our clients in reaching their personal goals. And so, why would I not support that if it brings them success and a healthier lifestyle?
If you think you might benefit from online fitness training, I encourage you to explore what is out there for you. You never know, you might surprise yourself with a new fun and convenient, and affordable, exercise routine!
For exercise ideas, workout programs or a consultation, visit Ocean Rehab.
Follow Megan’s programs with an Ocean Insider Club membership subscription.
Follow Megan’s programs with an Ocean Insider Club membership subscription.
About Ocean Rehab and Fitness
Megan Williamson is a certified fitness coach through the National Academy of Sports Medicine and the head coach at Ocean Rehab and Fitness. Alongside her team, she offers adaptive training for those living with spinal cord injuries and many other physical disabilities. Her mission is to make exercise inclusive for everyone regardless of limitations.
Megan Williamson is a certified fitness coach through the National Academy of Sports Medicine and the head coach at Ocean Rehab and Fitness. Alongside her team, she offers adaptive training for those living with spinal cord injuries and many other physical disabilities. Her mission is to make exercise inclusive for everyone regardless of limitations.